Syllabus de Manglar
(c) 2024, Movimiento Manglar
The teaching Syllabus contains a lot of our compiled teaching materials, based on over 15 years of experience working with Music Education in Colombia with youths from vulnerable backgrounds.
It is meant for instruction of new music tutors (our "Monitors") so that they can better structure and optimize their classes, and use it as a practical guide or workbook.
We integrated a lot of interactive media (audios, videos) which contain exclusive original themes composed, arranged and produced by Movimiento Manglar.
However, it can also be used by other music education initiatives around the world, as it has been specifically developed for environments with limited resources.
The Syllabus is published both in Spanish (original language) and in English.
If you believe your organization might benefit from it, we would love to learn more, and are happy to share it with you.
For more info and to receive an official, authorized copy, please contact us at:
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(c) 2023
Foundation Movimiento Manglar
contact us: info@movimientomanglar.org
© 2023